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Good information, it is believed to improve decision making and enhance efficiency. And this is why I have decided to blog again, the more information you have the easier is for you to decide what to do and why do you want to do it.

With motherhood comes the demand to be the best, to know it all and to be all. But we are not the same, so our experiences, maternity and kids will be different, and this is ok! 


This blog is here to share my experience as a mom, wife and woman. 


I am not a doctor, a coach, or anything like this. I'm just a curious human who is always looking for new information and ways to be a better person, so here I will share my story, my favorite products, and my tips and tricks around the house. 


Feel free to comment on my posts, ask your questions and suggest more content, I will be happy to help if I can! 


Welcome to the Deb Fares Blog

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” The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams, and your willingness to work hard for them.”

ʉۥ Michelle Obama

Deb Profile.jpg

Hi, I’m Deb

A mom blogger. Passionate about sharing thoughts and information on everything that makes my days better.

When I got pregnant with my first, I started to search all contents about Motherhood, however I found very little information with a Canadian reality, most of the blogs were in the US and I was lost, I had to dig information to really find what I was looking for. So this blog came out from my experiences and researches.


As a visitor here, you are part of a fantastic community. MOMS! we are a different species, seriously! there is NO WAY we are able to do it all, bleed once a month and have our $%#* together. LOL But guess what we do it anyways.

Here you will find some Mom's truth, support, checklists, tips and tricks for your young ones and your home, and the most important of all, INFORMATION!


There are plenty of ways that you can become more involved with me. Please let me know in the comments what do you want to see next and feel free to follow me on my socials.

Thank you so much for being part of this community.


Welcome to the Fares Family.

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